Interaction Programs in 2009

Name of the Program : New Constitution: Management of Public Administration
Date : 18th April, 2009 [2066/1/5]
Chief Guest: Rt. Hon’be Subash Chandra Nembang, Speaker, Parliament
Paper Presenter : Prof. Chudaraj Uprety and Dr. Hiramani Ghimire
Commentators:Dr. Bhoj Raj Ghimire, Chief Secretary, Government of Nepal Dr. Bimal P. Koirala, Former Chief Secretary, Government of Nepal Representative Leaders from 5 main political parties

CORRUPTION CONTROL: A BURNING ISSUEAn interaction programme was organized jointly by PAAN andtheCommission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority on Corruption Control: A Burning Issue on 3 June, 2010 [2067/3/19]. Mr. Surya Nath Upadhyay, Former Chief Commissioner of CIAA, and  Mr. Bhagwati Kumar Kafley, Secretary at CIAA presented papers covering various aspects of corruption and its remedies. Mr. Upadhyay focused on the nature of corruption, its impacts, history of corruption in Nepal, and lessons learnt from the past. Mr. Kafley covered the context of corruption with its various dimensions, CPI Index in general, CPI Index of South Asia, government agencies related to corruption control, laws related to corruption in Nepal, and some initiatives of CIAA to control corruption.

Commentators for both papers were Prof. Mahendra Narayan Mishra, Mr. Madhav Poudel, Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice, Mr Shrihari Acharya, General Secretary, Transparency International-Nepal, Prof. Chuda Raj Uprety, Past President, PAAN, Mr. Krishna Gyawali, PAAN General Secretary, and Dr Hiramani Ghimire.  Mr. Vidyadhar Mallik, Chair of the programme, summed up the discussions and expressed concern about Nepal being increasingly seen as a high-corruption country.

ISSUES AND PROBLEMS OF TRANSITION AND GOVERNMENT IN NEPAL: THE ROLE OF CIVIL SERVICEPAAN and the Asia Foundation (TAF) organized a roundtable on “Issues and Problems of Transition and Government in Nepal: The role of civil service” on 7 August, 2009 [2066/7/9]. Mr. Kul Chandra Gautam, former UN Assistant Secretary General, initiated the discussions by presenting a theme paper. He also moderated the discussions.  The main objective of the programme was to discuss the issues and problems of Nepal’s peace process and the current transition and its impact on overall governance system.  The paper also discussed the context of governance in transition in Nepal, role of civil service during present transition/ peace process, impact of current transition on the Nepalese civil service, major challenges for the civil service, and future vision for Nepali society and the civil service.

The programme benefitted from comments from Mr. Daman Nath Dhungana, Former Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Madhav Ghimire, Chief Secretary, Government of Nepal; Dr. Bimal Koirala, and former Chief Secretary, Government of Nepal. There were 115 participants in the programme. The list of guests included Ms. Pampha Bhushal, former Minister for Genmeral Administration, Mr. Pradip Gyawali, former Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation, Mr. Khim Lal Devkota, Member of Constituent Assembly, Mr. Tirtha Man Shakya, former Chief Secretary and former Chairman, Public Service Commission, Mrs. Amoda Shrestha, Professor and Member, National Women’s Commission. Prof. Chudaraj Uprety extended a vote of thanks. Closing remarks from Mr. Vidyadhar Mallik, President of PAAN, concluded the session.Invitees: Parliamentarians, High Level Government Officials, Academicians,  Practitioners and Students of Public Administration and related Public. 
Name of the Program : Promises and Pitfalls in the Restructuring of the Nepali State (Parties, Poll, Parliament and Public Administration)
Date : 6th March 2009 [2065/11/23]
Paper Presenter : Prof. Anand AdityaInvitees : Parliamentarians, High Level Government Officials, Academicians,  Practitioners and Students of Public Administration and related Public. 
Name of the Program : Governance Reform in Nepal: New Scopes, Challenges and Way ForwardDate : 9th January, 2009 [2065/9/25]
Paper Presenter :Mr Chandra Ghimire, Jt. Secretary, Ministry of General Administration, Government of Nepal.
Commentators :Dr. Bimal P. Koirala, Former Chief Secretary, Government of    Nepal Mr. Balananda Paudel, Secretary, Ministry of General Administration, Government of Nepal.Invitees : Parliamentarians, High Level Government Officials, Academicians,  Practitioners and Students of Public Administration and related Public. 
Name of the Program : Gender Responsive Budget: Challenges and OpportunitiesDate : 18th December, 2008 [2065/9/3]
Paper Presenter : Mr. Krishna Hari Banskota, Former General Secretary, PAAN
Commentators :Prof. Chuda Raj Uprety Comments from NGOsInvitees : Parliamentarians, High Level Government Officials, NGOs related to Gender, Academicians,  Practitioners and Students of Public Administration and related Public. 
Name of the Program : Making Aid Effective: Accra Agendra of Action and NepalDate : 7th November, 2008 [2065/7/22]
Paper Presenter : Dr. Narayan Dhakal
Commentators :Dr. Rameswar Khanal Economists/SpecialistsInvitees:Parliamentarians, High Level Government Officials, Economists, Academicians,  Practitioners and Students of Public Administration and related Public. 
Name of the Program : Model of Civil Service in Proposed ConstitutionDate : 5th September, 2008 [2065/5/20]
Chief Guest : Hon’ble Pampha Bhusal, Minister, Ministry of General Administration, Government of Nepal.
Paper Presenter : Dr. Madhunidhi Tiwari, Former Member, Public Service Commission
Commentators :          Prof. Yagya Prasad Adhikary, Mr. Shambhu Thapa, Lawer,Mr. Kashi Raj Dahal, Comments from 5 Political PartiesInvitees : Parliamentarians, Secretaries of Government of Nepal, High Level Government Officials, Academicians,  Practitioners and Students of Public Administration and related Public. 
Name of the Program : Hem Bahadur Malla Award 2064The award was given to Mr. Mahavir Pun on 2008-09-02 by Rt. Hon’ble Dr. Ram Varan Yadav at Kathmandu. The ceremony was organized by PAAN and supported by Salt Trading Ltd. 
Name of the Program : Logical Conclusion of the Nepal’s Peace Process: What, When and How?Date : 22nd August, 2008 [2065/5/6]
Paper Presenter : Dr. Bishnu Raj Uprety
Commentators : Dr. Avanindra Shrestha, Comments from 5 Political Parties

Invitees:Parliamentarians, High Level Government Officials, Academicians,  Practitioners and Students of Public Administration and related Public. 
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